Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Dream a sweet dream

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
-Eleanor Roosevelt

Blogging seems to be getting pushed to the side. It saddens me that I haven't had the time to keep up with everything going on in the blogosphere. But I will keep checking back from time to time and send you some love when I can. This picture makes me smile every time I see it! Spread the happy! Xoxo


  1. ah, i love it! how you can you not smile at that?

  2. this picture is fantastic!

    it is so hard to keep up with blogging, plus all the other things in life. i hope you are doing well, though!

    i HATE facebook and was filled with glee when i deleted my account a few months ago. bah. GAH, how i hate facebook. sorry about that. it just isn't for me!!!

    hope you are having a great weekend!

  3. wish it would rain hearts all the time ~ what a pretty thought!

  4. KEELEY! If you ever come back to your blog, I have a new one!

  5. Just stumbled across your blog. Very cute. I really love this quote by Eleanor Roosevelt!
